The Story of Creation is depicted in 8 paintings, beginning with the universe in Chaos and ending with God resting on the seventh day. Genesis 1-2
This series is in the collection of San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, CA.
Chaos —30 x 30 in.
In the beginning the earth was formless and darkness covered the face of the deep. The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Creation, Day 1: Light and Darkness—28 x 22 in.
God divided light from darkness.
Creation in the Round—37 in. in diameter.
Creation, Day 2: Seas and Firmament—36 x 24 in.
God divided the earth from seas and sky.
Creation, Day 2: Seas and Firmament Part 2—14 x 18 in.
God divided the earth from seas and sky.
Creation, Day 3: Flora—24 x 36 in.
God commanded the earth to put forth vegetation, yielding seed and fruit.
Creation, Day 4: Sun, Moon, and Stars—27 x 24 in.
God commanded light to emerge from the sky: sun, moon and stars.
Creation, Day 5: Fauna—36 x 24 in.
God commanded animals on land, fishes in the seas and birds in the air.
Creation, Day 6: Man and Woman
God created man and woman - Adam and Eve.
Creation, Day 7: Rest—36 x 12 in.
God rested from all the work He had done. He blessed and sanctified the seventh day.