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Fresno Armenian Museum
Fresno, CA


Fresno Armenian Museum, Fresno, CA
“Creation of Universe: and Eve. Where is Adam?” – January 26 – June 22, 2018.

The Creation of the Universe


The Story of Creation is depicted in 8 paintings, beginning with the universe in Chaos and ending with God resting on the seventh day. Genesis 1-2

This series is in the collection of San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, CA.

  • Chaos
  • Creation, Day 1: Light and Darkness
  • Creation in the Round
  • Creation, Day 2: Seas and Firmament
  • Creation, Day 2: Seas and Firmament Part 2
  • Creation, Day 3: Flora
  • Creation, Day 4: Sun, Moon, and Stars
  • Creation, Day 5: Fauna
  • Creation, Day 6: Man and Woman
  • Creation, Day 7: Rest